Friday, February 6, 2009

Molly...the saga continues

Molly made her first appearance today as the reading dog of our school. We had scheduled a student for her to read with yesterday. I asked him if he liked dogs..."Yes m'am". You aren't scared of dogs are you? "No m'am!"

So, I run home after lunch and put Molly's IIS t-shirt on and we head back to school. The student comes in and immediately you can tell he is not really sure about Molly. She is sitting on the couch and I ask him if he would like to sit next to her...."ummm, not really..."

So, he sits in a chair beside the couch and begins to read. Molly really would like to be closer to him and trys to do so, but he wasn't having any part of it!

Oh, well....we are going to try again with another student!

But, while she waited on me to finish up schoolwork, my secretary's son and his friend took her to the playground and they must have played hard because she is sound asleep as I type this!

PS...sorry, no pics... I didn't want to post someone else's child on the blog without their permission.

Have a great weekend!


Donna Mills said...

Molly did a wonderful job today, and I think she really liked all the attention. She is a great dog.