Thursday, February 5, 2009

Prayer for teachers....

Today I received something that burdened my heart for teachers. Please allow me the privilege to pray specifically for all my fellow educators.

Lord, I pray today for those who have been called by You to serve children every day. Father, I know this job is rewarding in so many ways. You not only give the privilege of teaching children academically, but you also give the joy of teaching them so much more. From teachers they learn so many life lessons and it is an overwhelming responsibility at times. I thank You especially today for Christian teachers who are salt and light to the young minds they influence each day. But, Father, You know their efforts are not always appreciated and sometimes they come under attack. Sometimes the attacks are verbal and aimed at them directly. Sometimes their character is attacked. There are many days when they leave the school building wondering if it is all worth the effort.

Father, today I pray You would remind them of the high calling You have placed on their lives. I would ask You to fill them with wisdom and discernment as they handle every situation they encounter. I ask You to remind them of Your constant abiding presence that walks before them, beside them and behind them. I pray You would remind them of Jesus and how He came to earth not only to save us, but so He would understand what it means to be human in a fallen world. Because of this, You understand all that we experience here. Help us to keep our eyes on You when we are rejected or attacked for what we do.

All praise is due to You, Almighty God. You are the Beginning and the End. You are the only one who is worthy of our praise. Thank You for Your saving grace the privilege of approaching the throne of grace with our concerns. I praise You for placing wonderful teachers throughout my childhood and the privilege of working with awesome teachers each day. I thank You because I know You will take care of what concerns each one of them. I place them in Your loving Hands knowing You will lead, guide and direct each one of them who calls you Lord.


As I prayed this afternoon, God reminded me of one of my favorite Brooklyn Tab songs...Thou, O Lord. It is based on the following Scripture. Click the link to read it.

Psalm 3

"For Thou, O Lord are a shield for me, my glory and the lifter of my head!"


J.E. said...

Julie.... This is more on time than you will ever know... Thanks for listening.... and sharing!

Anonymous said...

Bullseye! You must be reading my mail.

Matt Matt

Anonymous said...

Please share with the blogging world how you handle the stress of your job. The stress of being a teacher is beginning to really wear on me. I am ready to walk out the door and never come back. It's that bad. Is it because people everywhere are feeling the pinch of these tough economic times and so they take their frustrations out on the first person they come across? Why do I keep ending up in these people's path????? What is the Lord trying to teach me through all of this? I've cried, I've prayed, I've written a dozen resignation letters, I've sought the counsel of others who have gone this way before me. You seem so wise and so content with your job. What am I missing????? What is wrong with me????? If this is indeed my life's calling, why am I so miserable? Will it ever get better?????