Friday, September 14, 2007

The Unsung Heroes!

Today I want to take a minute to talk about some of our unsung heroes at AMRBC. These people do their job for no pay, with great dedication and commitment, receive very little public recognition and with the joy of the Lord in their heart. Without them, no service at AMRBC could ever take place. Who am I talking about??? The men and women of our audio visual team.

Their fearless leader is Chris Lewis. He wears many hats at church and juggles them all very well. At present he is the chairmen of deacons, plays in the praise band, plays in his own band, runs the audio visual ministry, not to mention a full time job and caring for a beautiful wife and two precious boys. I shudder to think what we would do without him. He truly understands and models the meaning of the word sacrifice. I love you, brother and friend and I could not do this interim without your encouragement and support.

The man behind the sound board is Kevin Eilders. He and Chris arrive EARLY every Sunday morning to set up microphones and do the sound check with the orchestra and ensemble. Not only that, he encourages us all to lift Him up from the back. Make 'em keep smiling, Kev. Thank you for making us sound good!

The other three people are so important to our worship. They are Roxanne Baker, Melissa Suddeth and George Wright. There is no way we could sing a note of worship without them because we would have no clue about the words. They spend time putting together the power point each week and spend three services at the computer. Thank you for feeding us the words with which to worship!

Each one of these people exemplifies a servant's heart. Thank you for your hard work and dedication. We would be lost without you.

Take a moment to thank the Lord for these servants and the next time you see them, give them a pat on the back.

Have a great weekend.


Chris said...

You are too kind JuJu!! You are like a sister to me and I would do anything in the world I possible could to help you as you juggle an impossible schedule yourself! It's a pleasure to serve our Savior alongside people like you Julie, and don't ever think I take that for granite. You are a wonderful asset to AMRBC, and we would not have a music ministry at the level it is without your leadership and dedication. You know I love ya, even when you point out that I'm playing the wrong chord! :-)