Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Saddle Ridge Ranch

VBS is in full swing at AMRBC. Doing the music is awesome. It is such a blessing to see 400+ children praising the Lord! Here is a pic of our pastor on the first night getting into the "cowboy" spirit.
Thanks to Stacey for the pic I copied off of her blog!


Mak said...

Your pastor must be a good sport! Our VBS is this week too. I've always worked with 5th grade and up with last year being middle schoolers. This year, I decided to try something different. I'm working in crafts for all ages... needless to say, I'm going back to my teenagers. I miss them already!

Stacy said...

Thank you so much for all that you do! I can't wait to see it all tomorrow. I have been on the preschool hall all week:)

Donna Mills said...

It sounds like fun and that it all went very well. We are having our VBS later in July. It is going to be awesome. Michael and I hope to get a youth class together and do bible study with them while the younger ones are doing VBS. I miss ya, JuJu.